Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Add to list: a couple of more middle aged friends. We have talked to no one our age yet here in France, although we now have 6 new friends to boast about - all about the age of our parents or older. Today, Canadian Couple #2 knew a lot about French transportation. A lot. They took a 20 minute bus ride to inform us. Useful . . . ? No. But friendly.

Marsielle, France has something to do with teh Count of Monte Cristo, although I'm not sure what. Its somehow related to this prison on this island outside of Marsielle's harbor, but the winds were too strong, and our boat trip was canceled. We then went to the top of the city to visit a famous church, and got some amazing views of the area. The south of France is very hilly, and I'm starting to realize the vast number of photos I have of various cities, all taken from above. I still love trains, and the one from Nice to Marsielle yesterday was beautiful - almost all along the coast. The one from Marseille to Nice, however, was darker, because it was at night.

I finished book #1 on this trip - The Kite Runner. I liked it, and read it in three sittings - 2 trains, 1 plane.

Today we went to Ez and Monaco, and both were beautiful. I'm uploading pictures tonight onto the computer, so I'll probably have some up here soon.

By the way, strawberries are uber cheap here, even with the exchange rate. I'm eating myself sick of them. But not really - who can ever get sick of strawberries? They are delicious!