Thursday, June 5, 2008

Europe Photo: Prague, break time, trying to figure out where we are time.

All the Jewellites are gone, except me and John. The hall is a bit weird, being so quiet, and as most of the campus is done with exams, I'm reading to be heading westward - its hard to be motivated to finish work (2 more papers!) when everyone is outside playing, and the crowd is slim inside to distract you.

The up side? Garner, Emily, Anna, Trisha, and Lea left ALL of their leftovers . . . I'm wondering if I can live on Cup O Soups until June 16th (and I'm sure gonna try!). Add to that pile of goods an almost full box of Earl Gray, and I'm 100% back into my tea habit (I fell out of it a while ago when I got sick of PG Tips - I didn't think it would happen, but it doesn't look like I'm going to finish my economy size box of Tips after all . . . ).

TV update: Add to the list of completed TV seasons - One Tree Hill (so bad its good, I know, I'm a little ashamed) and I'm slowly working on How I Met Your Mother.

I'm home June 16, and I'll be in KC at the end of July for some days. So, we should hang out, friends.