Wednesday, May 28, 2008


No, that doesn't stand for National Honors Society.
Rather, National Health Service!!

After almost three months of general ickness, I decided to try out the National Health Service. As an international student enrolled at Cambridge, I am entitled to full health benefits, just like a normal English citizen. I've heard a lot of mixed reviews about the NHS - some great (Free! How can you beat free?)and some skeptical (the doctors are not so good).

However, I have no complaints. I never had to wait very long, and my doctor was super helpful. The downside is that you HAVE to book your appointment either that day, or 4 weeks in advance. So there were a lot of early-morning alarm clocks that woke me up to call right when the office opened. And they are closed on bank holidays (which seems strange to me - the whole thing was closed, although, of course, the hospital is open, so if its serious enough . . . ). Best part, at the end of the visit, I just left. No need to pay anything - even when they took some tests!

Yes, those tests. Apparently, my body and gluten have had a falling out, and are no longer friends. My English doctor suggested I see a gastro and dietitian when I get back in the States, and that I might want to try gluten free in the meantime. No more blueberry muffins, I guess. But, thank God! Diet Coke is gluten free.