Tuesday, May 13, 2008

summer weather

I wish I could tell you that I've been academically busy . ..

but I haven't.

England has been channeling Orlando the past week, and its been in the 80s and higher, with sun, and no clouds. In addition to making my room a sauna (no AC + bee hive outside window = warm warm warm room), it has sucked away my academic motivation. Stuff is still getting done though, don't worry.

But I've also found room in my schedule for other things. Like internet television. I've already caught up on all of this season's Grey's Anatomy, I'm 13 episodes into the first season of Brothers and Sisters, and I'm almost done with the whole show of Scrubs (yes, all 7 seasons) and The Office (US). Aren't you impressed at what I can do, when I put my mind to it? :)

So yes. Internet TV. Some hall bonding at the college bar (we watched Indiana JOnes (#2) down there the other night on the big screen - the archeology students were gearing up for Indy's release here in the UK). Badminton in the hottest gym alive on Saturdays (I lose all my water weight in 1 hour). That's my Cambridge life, 3rd term.

I come home a month from Friday. I can't wait.