Sunday, January 6, 2008

Italy is for lovers . . . and other things

For your enjoyment - a poem composed by moi.

"How to Know You are in Italy: A Couplet"

The people are kissing on the street
But the toilets have no seats.

Yesterday, we traveled to Sienna (it's where the color "burnt Sienna" comes from - it's the exact color of their soil) and then headed to Pisa today. Sienna was beautiful and Pisa was very, very wet - we only saw the tower and high tailed it back to Florence.

I also bought myself an Italian leather purse ($$$ but oh so beautiful) and John got himself some snazzy shoes.

Tomorrow, we are off to Venice, where we'll do two day trips to Verona and Padua, then back to the UK.

I won't lie - I'm not ready to go back to school. Italy revived my love of travel - minus the thieves, it's a wonderful, wonderful country.

Miss you all!!!!!!!!