Thursday, April 24, 2008

summer school, but not really. just more school, in the summer.

Its weird to think that I started classes up again today, but everyone else in the normal world (read: home) is about to go home, to retire to couches and best sellers and summer jobs. And I have . . . more books. Worse, books I'm not interested in any more. Oh English major - how I wish I dropped you millions of years ago sometimes. But then, I wouldn't be here, would I? What a strange relationship we have, you and me, English major. So complicated.

So I recongize that I just had 5 weeks off (so glorious too, those 5 weeks), but I'm not ready to do this school stuff some more. I'd rather cash in the tution check, and head back into the backpacker mindset. Don't think that would fly with the fam though, or Jewell, or Cambridge, for that matter. They probably already spent my money on some more "Stay off the grass" signs.

It's also strange how comfortable it was to fall back into my routine here, to sleep in "my bed" and go to Tesco, and pick up a case of gosh-awful expensive Diet Coke, and chit chat in the hall way, and do all those things that have become part of my normal life here in England. And to think this whole experience will be over soon - I'll be home in two months, most of the Jewllites leave the beginning of June (for super research opportunities, or family celebrations, and what not), lectures only go on for the first 4 weeks of the term . . .

It will be a different time here, that's for sure. And then, I return home for the end of my college education, the conclusion of my "studenthood", and life changes there too. Growing up. I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

Well, on a less sighful note, I'm hoping that the weather will change too - that it will also be more sunny, and beautiful, and England will redeem itself in my eyes and make up for all those times I had to cycle home in the pouring, freezing rain, and climb into bed to thaw out while my clothes piled high on the radiator.

So far, it's still raining, but warmer than before. Progress, I guess.

It's also sad to think that my traveling is just about over. I'm basically broke, and my main breaks are up with. If I had more money, I might just stay in Europe all of June - the longer I'm here, the more I want to see. Greece, Scotland, more of Ireland, Spain . . . And that's just this continent. I think I may suffer from travel lust the rest of my days now.

But then again, if current-internship goes well, I may be back here in July. Here's hoping.