Saturday, October 27, 2007

I visited the Fitzwilliam Art Museum today, and I got a great taste of fall colors on the walk home. It's still my favorite season.

The art museum had some really neat pieces, but I was more distracted by the gorgeous building it is in - very ornate, very cool. And of course, I'm still busybusy with Mrs. Woolf, so I had some interesting ponderings about the all important relationship of art and literature - it might be the paper topic of this week. Hm.

Good news: I'm slowly getting better at badminton. More importantly, I'm met some wonderful people through badminton, and I'm having a lot of fun. Even better news: my mom booked her flight to come visit!

On Thursday I went to the debate: "This House has no confidence in Her Majesty's Government" - featuring some Members of Parliament (who really hold no qualms about yelling and interrupting each other - the Parliament procedure carries over to the Union, I guess). I followed as best as I could, and really enjoyed it. That is, until another American stood up and praised the English by making fun of Bush. Now, I'm not a fan of George, but I think there's a code of loyalty in being an American overseas, and that involves not making idiotic comparisons when you are one of the only Americans in a room, because you're acting as a representative, and you should at least do it with style and class and intellect.