Thursday, November 8, 2007


My mom came in today!

We're going to London this weekend, and then she's going to Paris - by her lonesome! Isn't she modern? And neat. Have you met my mom? She's super, and I'm not just saying that because she brought me a suitcase full of American comforts (hello Milano cookies and clean sweatshirts!).

I have a rowing outing tomorrow morning. I'm looking forward to the water part, dreading the bridge to bridge warm-up run.

Millions of people run for fun every day - I just don't understand it. Must be the flat feet, right? (My favorite excuse . . . ).

And if you know how a rail pass works, please email me. I'm so confused.

Unrelated Photo: W2 Queen's Ergs (Thanks Anna for the photo!)

our heat results. (I'm at Homerton, in case you forgot)