Tuesday, November 27, 2007

tis the season

This is a huge snowman by Homerton.
I love Christmas time.

They have built an ice skating rink in the middle of Parker's Piece, and so every time I'm cycling to rowing practice (which has been a lot the past few days), I get to enjoy snippets of Christmas music and the smell of roasting chestnuts.

My toe is doing a lot better, I'm sure you are all glad to hear.

This is good, because we have a rowing race on Thursday (2.7 k) and so training has been rather busy and intense.

We're trying to fit in as many outings as possible before the race, so we've been on the river a lot. Today we had an afternoon outing, and the river was so empty - it was wonderful, and warmish, and there were swans and houseboats to look at as we went whizzing (well, maybe more like gliding) by, and we only ran into one thing this time! I consider that a successful run.

My schedule is pretty full right now - travel preparations, end of term work, training, AND fun stuff - Stephen Hawking speaks tomorrow at the Union, the Union's Christmas party is Thursday and the Casino Night is Friday (free to members and lots of delicious snacks = wonderful), PLUS we have a rowing breakfast Thursday morning and a rowing dinner Friday night.

And at 2:40 AM Saturday morning, my world travels begin.

Life is exciting!