Monday, November 5, 2007

strange English ways . . .

Sometimes the things that happen here make no sense. For instance ...

I'm standing in the cafeteria line, which is having a special deal where you can get one of the main courses, chips (fries), a dessert AND beans (beans?) for 3.50 pounds. Delish you say? Agreed! Yum! BUT . . . I don't like beans. Plus, the English have a tendency to put everything on top of one another. And, shockingly, if I don't like beans, I am near-confident that I won't like cheese pizza covered in beans. So:

Me: Can I still have the deal if you don't give me the beans?
Cafeteria lady: Uh (converses with cafeteria worker) . . . No.
Me: I don't want to substitute anything, I"ll pay the same, just don't give me the beans.
Cafeteria lady: Then you can't have the deal.
Me: So I have to have the beans?
Cafeteria lady: Yes.
Me: Even if I know I won't eat them, and will just throw them away?
Cafeteria lady: Yes.
Me: Fine
(she puts a scoop of baked beans on the plate)
Me: That's enough . . .
(she puts another scoop on the plate)
Cafeteria lady: Here. Can I help you? (next person)

Did that make sense to anyone in the line? No. Their economics are a bit off, I believe.

Also - today was Guy Fawkes Day! Bonfire Night! This doesn't really make sense either - why  celebrate an attempt to blow up Parliament with a night full of fire hazards? Homerton hosted a bonfire and fireworks, and the Dean even passed out sparklers. Then I hopped on my bike, and rode down to Mid-Summer Common with the badminton girls to watch a MASSIVE show of fireworks at the Guy Fawkes Fair. Super fun, even if it isn't too logical.

Here's proof I've made friends (and proof we can't pose for photos). From the left: Emma, Me, John, Kayleigh, Anna, Zoey, Heather and Bex. We're facing the bonfire.

Much love from across the sea!